Wee-Wee® Pads for Little Dogs 28 Pk 16.5 " x 23.5 "


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Wee-Wee® Pads for Little Dogs

Wee-Wee® Pads for Little Dogs are sized just right (16.5” x 23.5”) for smaller dog breeds. Like all Wee-Wee® Pads, they are made with a 5-ply leak proof Floor Armor® System and have been treated with an attractant so little dogs always know where to go.


  • Place your dog on the pad throughout the day to familiarize them with the attractant.
  • As soon as your dog goes on the pad immediately reward them with praise and a treat for good behavior.
  • Quickly replace the soiled pad with a new one.
  • If your dog eliminates somewhere other than the pad simply place them on the pad and encourage them to eliminate there.
  • Once your dog is trained inside, you can begin teaching them to eliminate outside. Begin moving the pad towards the door and eventually to the outside area where you would like your dog to go.
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